What Ousos does not
Active Portfolio Management
We do not manage your portfolio or take responsibility for its performance. Your assets remain with your respective banks, and our role is to help you navigate the financial world in ways that your bankers may not. In other words, we don’t recommend specific buy or sell actions, nor do we suggest rebalancing your portfolio. However, we’re happy to provide our independent opinion whenever you ask for it.
Active Recommendations
We do not provide specific stock or bond recommendations for you to buy. We won’t send you lists of high-conviction investment ideas. Our role is to offer our independent perspective on the ideas and proposals you receive from your banks, ensuring they align with your portfolio and risk profile.
Your banks have access to research, specialists, and a wide range of products, which we’ll help you navigate. We can help formulate requests so you receive the right ideas, but we won’t generate those ideas ourselves. However, we may suggest alternatives to funds or structured products if we believe there’s a better or more cost-effective option that your bank hasn’t proposed.
Day Trading
We are not day traders and will not recommend short-term stock moves or attempts to time the market. We do not suggest entry or exit levels for quick gains.